No one here gets out alive

Saturday, February 20, 2010

আলোয় ফেরানো গান

এত আলো ভালো লাগে না। তীব্র আলোয় মাঝে মাঝে চোখ ধাঁধিয়ে যায়। দিশেহারা হয়ে যাই। তখন মনে হয় অন্ধকারের বুকে একটু মুখ লুকাই, একবার চুমুকই না হয় দেই আঁধারের পেয়ালায়। দেখি না কি হয়। ঠিক সেই সময়টাতেই কেউ না কেউ পাশে এসে দাঁড়ায়। কাঁধে হাত রাখে। ভুরু কুঁচকে বলে- খবরদার! এভাবে পালাতে হয় নাকি? আরেকবার লড়েই দেখো না, জাস্ট ওয়ান মোর ফাকিং টাইম...

All life is a mystery,
All things come to he who waits
All things just a twist of fate
It's just a state of mind
All your time is not your own
It's real hard to find out why
It's real hard to say good-bye
To move on down the line...

Both your eyes wide open
You see the shape I'm in
It wasn't of my choosing
It's only bones and skin
And I will plead no contest
If loving you's a crime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time

All your life is in your head
All you dreams are in your sleep
And if your dreams are hid too deep
They're just a waste of time
When you try to chase the dream
You never seem to know the time
You never recognize the signs
And nothing's what it seems

Both your eyes wide open
You see the shape I'm in
It wasn't my idea
That I be the one to sin
And I will plead no contest
If loving you's a crime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time

And if I would have been a bad man
You would have seen the good in me
You would have seen the other
The good man I could be
But since I am a good man
The same was all the same
Nothing I could do, nothing I could do

Both your eyes wide open
You see the shape I'm in
It wasn't my idea
That I be the one to sin
And so all those years together
Weren't worth a fucking dime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time